Landscape lights are typically low voltage and easy to install. These lights have no limit when it comes to the effects given off from them. For example, picture a subtle glow washing over a low garden wall. To convey this effect, you will want to position the fixtures close to the base. Another example is the look given off from landscape lights aimed just right at the façade. This usually works best when bullet lights are aimed at the corners of the home or at architectural details. A soft, wash light can fill in the space between them. With all of the possibilities, landscape lights can create an atmosphere unlike any other!
Landscape lighting fixtures are best used when kept free of leaves and debris. This will prevent them from overheating. Should bulbs burn out, be sure to replace them immediately so that others on that same circuit are not subject to life-shortening voltage overloads.
To learn more about the effects of landscape lighting Jacksonville, FL and how to install them on your property, contact Stewart Lighting! We can help you find the right fixtures for the look you want to achieve. Call or visit us today!
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